When counting the number of power cards you have in play or have played (e.g., for "Draw Towards a Consuming Void"), do you count the extra Power Card from "Aid from Lesser Spirits"?

When counting the number of power cards you have in play or have played (e.g., for "Draw Towards a Consuming Void"), do you count the extra Power Card from "Aid from Lesser Spirits"?

No. The card is "used as if played," but is not in play.
So with the extra card, you:
  • Can use the threshold of "Draw Towards a Consuming Void" if you have no other Power Cards in play;
  • Can't count the card towards extra Energy with "Boon of Vigor" or "Gift of Seismic Energy"; and
  • Can't count the card towards the "Power Cards you have in play" requirements of "Earth Shudders, Buildings Fall".