If a Spirit's setup instructions reference the distance to other lands (e.g., Ember-Eyed Behemoth looking for a Wetland adjacent to a Jungle), does this check for lands on other boards?

If a Spirit's setup instructions reference the distance to other lands (e.g., Ember-Eyed Behemoth looking for a Wetland adjacent to a Jungle), does this check for lands on other boards?

Ember-Eyed Behemoth's highest-numbered Wetlands adjacent to a Jungle could be adjacent to a Jungle on another board (e.g., Wetlands F7 adjacent to Jungle D6 in the standard three-board layout).
Category: Setup
Tags: Spirit setup, Ember-Eyed Behemoth
Products: Nature Incarnate
Created: Jul 18, 2023 5:47:24 AM
Last modified: Jul 9, 2024 4:44:20 AM