Older Errata and Updates

Summer 2018 and earlier

A couple important notes:

Effect Rules

  • Branch & Claw, Core game - all printings
    Errata / clarification on older materials with imprecise wording -- Some earlier game materials use terms that are now ambiguous with the more precise terminology introduced in Jagged Earth. For the most part, they work just as they always have, but in case additional clarity is needed:
    • Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares - their Special Rule is a modifier - when your Power would Destroy Invaders, instead generate Fear (and perhaps Push them).
    • France lvl 6 - "After the normal Explore Phase," should read "After resolving an Explore Card,"
    • Event: Fortification - first sentence should read: After advancing Invader Cards: perform a Build Step for one terrain not shown under any Invader Action.
    • Event: Cash Crops Take Hold - first sentence should read: Perform a Ravage Step for one terrain not shown under any Invader Action.
    The only mechanical change is that France 6 will behave slightly differently if there are 0 or 2+ Explore cards in a turn, adding one Explorer per card instead of a flat 1.
  • Core game - 4th and 5th printings
    Errata for core Rulebook p. 19 (Repeat) -- The final line of details about Repeating a Power ("It does not count as using a new Power") should read "It does count as using a new Power". (Spurious "not".)
    Tags: Repeat, Rulebook
  • Core game - 4th and 5th printings
    Errata for core rulebook, p. 19, "Gather and Push" -- In the 2nd paragraph 4th line, there's an extra "not" - the text should read "If Pushing multiple things, they may go to different lands or not..."
    Tags: Push, Rulebook
  • Branch & Claw - 3rd printing
    Errata for B&C rulebook, p. 15: -- A bullet-point was missed; it should read, "◦ Defend Powers apply each time the Invaders do Damage in a land.
 ◦ Each time the land itself is Damaged is separate ... "
    Tags: Rulebook, Defend
  • Core game, Branch & Claw, Promo, Jagged Earth - all printings
    Errata / Clarification on which items are triggered actions -- Jagged Earth formalized how triggered actions work. The following earlier items are triggered actions ("after X, do Y") even though their wording doesn't use "after":
    • Vengeance of the Dead (Major Power, core game);
    • Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp special rule, core game);
    • Sworn to Victory1 (Thunderspeaker special rule, core game);
    • Blazing Presence2 (Heart of the Wildfire special rule, promo 1);
    • Constant Raiding (Dahan Insurrection Scenario rule, core game);
    • Military Response (Dahan Insurrection Scenario rule, core game).
    The following items are also triggered actions ("after X, do Y") even though their wording doesn't use "after" (but practically speaking it doesn't matter much):
    • Portents of Disaster (Minor Power - Branch & Claw);
    • Forbidden Ground3 (Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds special rule - Branch & Claw);
    • Deep Layers Exposed to the Surface (Stone's Unyielding Defiance special rule - Jagged Earth)
    1 = The trigger is "After a Ravage destroys 1 or more Dahan..." and does not involve Blight; see this FAQ entry for elaboration.
    2 = This rule used to say "When you add or move Presence...". More recent printings of the Spirit correctly say "After you add or move [Presence] after Setup...".
    3 = Read as, "After one or more lands become a Sacred Site for you, Push all Dahan from those lands."
    See Summary of Action rules for more details on how triggered actions work in general.
    Adversary instructions saying "After Setup:" are not triggered actions, but just a specification of when that rule applies ("not during Setup"). We apologize for the wording overlap, and will be using "During Play:" or "Post-Setup:" moving forward.
    Tags: Triggered Actions, Vengeance of the Dead, Portents of Disaster, Sworn to Victory (Thunderspeaker), 5 more...

Event Cards

Fear and Fear Cards

  • Core game - 1st printing
    Update to Dahan Enheartened Fear Card -- In the second+ printings, the effects for Terror Levels 2 and 3 read:
    • 2: "Each player chooses a different land. In chosen lands: Gather up to 2 Dahan, then 1 Damage if Dahan are present."
    • 3: "Each player chooses a different land. In chosen lands: Gather up to 2 Dahan, then 1 Damage per Dahan present."
    This is a minor change - mostly just a rewording for clarity (see Changes in core game second printing), but slightly more permissive than the first printing. (You can choose a land which already has Dahan, then Gather 0 Dahan and still do Damage. The first printing requires you to Gather 1 or 2 Dahan to each chosen land, which was not the original intent, and was confusing some players.)
    Designer's recommendation: Play with whichever version is easiest or most appealing for you; the difference is so minor it will not substantially affect game balance. (If the card hadn't wanted tweaking for clarity anyway, we wouldn't have bothered updating it.) If you wish to make a pasteup for your first-printing copy, an image of the new card has been uploaded here.
    Tags: Dahan Enheartened

Invader Actions

  • Branch & Claw - 3rd printing
    Errata for B&C rulebook, p. 14 -- Truncated sentence should read, "Some Fear and Event Cards may change the usual orderly progression of Invader Cards along the Invader Action Track, causing there to be multiple - or zero - cards on an Action Space."
    Tags: Rulebook
  • Core game - 1st printing
    Errata for core rulebook, p. 9 (Ravage) -- Ravaging Invaders damage Dahan and the land separately, equally, and simultaneously. (The word "simultaneously" was accidentally omitted on p. 9, though the example on p. 11 is correct.)
    Currently relevant in certain cases of a Ravage destroying one of Vital Strength of the Earth's Sacred Sites. (The Defend 3 reduces overall damage done to both land and Dahan.)
    Wording fixed / clarified in 2nd printing. Numbered list replaced with a bulleted list in 3rd printing.
    Tags: Rulebook, Ravage, Damage, Earth's Vitality (Vital Strength of the Earth), 0 more...

Power Cards


  • Core game - all printings
    Erratum for setting up the Healthy Island Card -- During Setup, you get exactly 1 additional Blight in your Blight pool.
    (i.e.: If you are using a Healthy Island card, treat it as if it said “2 per player, +1". If you are not using a Healthy Island card, treat the Blight space as if it said “5 per player, +1".)
    This does NOT apply after Setup (i.e., when Blight Cards flip) - just at the start of the game.
    This also applies to any Scenarios (e.g., Blitz) or other effects (e.g., Sweden level 6) that change the amount of initial Blight. In all cases, add one additional Blight.
    Blight Cards in future expansions will not fix this, as doing so would make them distinguishable from previously-printed Blight Cards.
    Note that this does not affect the board from Horizons of Spirit Island, only the core game Invader Board and all Healthy Island cards. The rulebook in core game 14th printing and onwards mentions this errata, as does Nature Incarnate.

    Explanation, for the curious: The Blight system has a fencepost error which makes smaller games harder. While the # of Blight sitting on the card scales proportionally to the number of players, the number of usable Blight ("how much Blight can we let happen without the Blight Card flipping?") does not:
    • Players: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    • Blight on card: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
    • Usable Blight without flip : 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
    • Blight per player: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
    • Usable Blight per player: 1, 1.5, 1.666, 1.75, 1.8, 1.833
    This erratum adds 1 extra blight on setup, which has the usable Blight per player scale proportionally with the number of players, and makes the experience / Difficulty of smaller (1-2p) games more in-line with that of larger games. (In some ways the change very slightly disadvantages larger games relative to smaller games, but practically speaking that impact is much lower than the upside from multiple Spirits cooperating.)
    No changes are needed for flipped Blight cards (whether Still-Healthy or Blighted); if you want a deeper look into why see these comments.
    Likewise when setting up for the Second Wave scenario, do not add an additional Blight, since it was already added in the first wave.
    Tags: Blighted Island

Spirits and Innate Powers