Spreading Hostility Aspect (Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds)
Frequently Asked Questions
General Play
If a Spirit's Presence counts as Beasts (say, due to "Settle Into Hunting-Grounds"), and a "destroy Beasts" effect destroys their Presence, is it still considered destroyed Presence? More generally, if Piece A also counts as Piece B, and a "destroy/remove Piece B" effect destroys/removes it, does it go to the supply for A or B?
It's considered destroyed Presence. When a piece is removed from the board, it goes to the supply (or other destination) for that physical type of piece.
Counts As
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Spirits and Innate Powers
Does Grinning Trickster's rightmost Growth Option just use the Card Plays revealed on the Presence Track, or does it include modifiers *(eg, Back Against the Wall, or Invader benefit 4 in Powers Long Forgotten)*?
The printed number on the Plays track. In general, effects that scale via the Energy/Plays on Presence tracks use the printed numbers rather than the amount of Energy or Plays actually usable during a given Spirit Phase, whether or not they explicitly say so.
Discussion elsewhere
Grinning Trickster Stirs Up Trouble
Back Against the Wall
Powers Long Forgotten
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If Many Minds Move as One uses Settle Into Hunting-Grounds, do the two "may count as Beasts" rules stack?
No. A land with 2 of their Presence could count as 1 Beasts (via their Special Rule) or 2 Beasts (via the Major Power), but not 3.
Counts As
Many Minds Move as One
Settle Into Hunting-Grounds
A Joining of Swarms and Flocks (Many Minds Move as One)
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