If an Event or Fear Card has multiple instructions, only *some* of which are "each", how many actions is that? Eg: Dahan Threaten has each player add a Strife, then applies a rule where Strife lowers Invader Health.

If an Event or Fear Card has multiple instructions, only some of which are "each", how many actions is that? Eg: Dahan Threaten has each player add a Strife, then applies a rule where Strife lowers Invader Health.

Then the whole Fear Card / Event is one action, with one nested action per "each". (So for Dahan Threaten, each player adding Strife is a nested action within the initial Fear Action.)
The entire "how many actions is it?" determination is:
  • If it just does 1 thing, it's 1 action.
  • If it has only "each" instructions, it's 1 action per "each".
  • Otherwise, it's 1 action, and "each" instructions cause 1 nested action per "each".
Up-front conditionals (like on Foreign Dignitaries Visit, Harvest Bounty Harvest Dust, and the "choose one" in Choice Events) aren't part of the action - you check the conditional, figure out which one to do, then proceed as above.
Category: General Play
Tags: Actions, Choice Events, Harvest Bounty, Harvest Dust, Foreign Dignitaries Visit, Dahan Threaten
Products: Jagged Earth, Core game, Branch & Claw
Created: May 24, 2021 2:42:00 PM
Last modified: May 24, 2021 2:42:00 PM