Can you play against France *(level 2+)* without using the Event deck?
Can you play against France (level 2+) without using the Event deck?
Yes. You just need to track the time to make the Slave Rebellion event come up at the appropriate time, on Turns 4 and 8 and, in unusual circumstances, Turn 12, either by using the Event deck only as a timer or by some other means.
Since the Slave Rebellion is normally in addition to another Event, there are no balance concerns.
If you want to duplicate the "Thematic Rebellion" rules (B&C rulebook, p. 19), make the Slave Rebellion happen on turns 3, 4, or 5: roll a die on turn 3; on a 1 or 2, it happens then. If it doesn't happen then, roll the die on turn 4; it happens on 1, 2, or 3. And if it hasn't happened yet, it will happen on turn 5.