The game is really hard and is kicking our butts. What can we do?

The game is really hard and is kicking our butts. What can we do?

To lower the difficulty slightly,
  • For a slight difficulty decrease, give each Spirit one free Growth at the end of Setup. Then take your first turn, which will start with Growth.
  • For a moderate decrease, skip the Explore that's normally at the end of Setup. Don't even reveal the Invader Card.
  • For a large decrease, do both of the above.
Also worth noting: a few rules can cause sudden, crushing losses if played incorrectly. When Invaders Ravage for 2+ Damage, add only one Blight to the Ravaged land. (Not 1 per 2 Damage!) When you add Blight to a land with Blight and it cascades, you add an additional Blight to one adjacent land. (Not all of them!) You start with your four unique Power cards in hand. (You do not have to gain them!) See also the Rules semi-commonly misplayed.
But different people cue into some of the bread-and-butter techniques for fighting the Invaders at very different speeds.
If you want some strategy tips, there are some tips for early plays on BoardGameGeek.
Category: General Play
Tags: Learning, Difficulty
Products: Core game
Last modified: Nov 30, 2021 11:08:05 PM