Can you use Energy you gain during the Fast Power Phase <i>(e.g., from Boon of Vigor)</i> to pay for cards you play that turn?

Can you use Energy you gain during the Fast Power Phase (e.g., from Boon of Vigor) to pay for cards you play that turn?

No, you cannot. You need to pay for all Powers when you play them, during the 'Play and pay for Power Cards' part of the Spirit Phase at the beginning of the turn. The Spirit Phase needs to be entirely completed before you start the Fast Power Phase, when you would gain the energy from cards like Boon of Vigor.
Typically the Energy you gain from powers like this will only be useful on the following turn, unless something makes you use Energy in the middle of the turn.
Category: Spirit Phase
Tags: Energy, Playing Power Cards, Boon of Vigor (River Surges in Sunlight)
Products: Core game
Last modified: Feb 18, 2022 12:48:24 AM