Changes in core game third printing

Note: This list is based off of things marked "done" on the to-do punchlist. Minor deviations are possible. (And I might mis-transcribe something, as briefly happened for Tsunami.)


  • Correct spelling of "cumulative" next to Game Effects.


  • Add printing number
  • Blurb on reverse - Replace "with a healthy dose of fear and reverence" with "a healthy dose of caution and respect".

Invader Board

  • Fade "earned fear cards" space to look less like the back of an actual Fear card (so it's more obvious when one is present)
  • Add text to Fear Deck location: medium-sized "Fear Deck" at top; small "when revealed" beneath large "VICTORY" at bottom.

Power Cards

  • Major - Mists of Oblivion: Drop "+" from threshold effect. Reword non-threshold effect to: "1 Fear per Town/City this Power destroys (to a maximum of 4). {para break} 1 Damage to each Invader."
  • Major - Powerstorm: Change threshold text to "Target may Repeat up to 2 more Power Cards by paying their costs."
  • Major - Vengeance of the Dead: Errata: Replace base (non-threshold) effect with "3 Fear. After each effect that destroys Town/City/Dahan in target land, 1 Damage per Town/City/Dahan destroyed." (What the card does is unchanged, but timing is subtly different. For full errata notes see here.)
  • Minor - Shadows of the Burning Forest: Replace "ANY" with "INVADERS" in the target box. Remove "If Invaders are present, " from effect box.


  • Throughout - Make boldfacing 2-3x darker
  • p. 7, example setup - On the shown copy of the invader board, try to spread out the Fear cards slightly to make it clear there's a stack of cards there
  • p. 9, Blight sidebar, first paragraph ("CASCADING") - Replace "you must also add a Blight" to "you must also add an additional Blight". Remove "also" from last sentence (the parenthetical).
  • p. 9, Blight sidebar, first paragraph ("CASCADING") - Change "also already" to just "already" in the last sentence (the parenthetical).
  • p. 9, Blight sidebar, first paragraph ("CASCADING") - Underline "also" and "additional" in first sentence.
  • p. 9, Section 3a. Ravage - Replace the numbered list with a bulleted list
  • p. 11: Ravage Example B - Remove the red arrows. Replace "The Blight cascades to" "The second Blight is added to" in both first and second sentence of the description.
  • p. 12, Victory sidebar - Update "VICTORY" image to match new one on Invader Board
  • p. 12, Victory, first paragraph, last sentence ("You win immediately...") - Replace with "Anytime you meet the current victory condition, you immediately win - the Invaders have had more than they can take, and abandon the island entirely."
  • p. 13, first sentence under "Energy and Card Plays AND p. 14, under "Presence Tracks", phrases "gain more Energy each turn" and "play more Power Cards each turn" - "Change "each turn" to "each Spirit Phase". (In the second instance, the "each turn" could possibly be deleted)
  • p. 15, Blight section, #2 - Replace "also add one Blight to any one adjacent land" with "also add one additional Blight to any one adjacent land". (If this causes an undesired pagebreak, perhaps replace "it will then cascade again" with "it cascades again")
  • p. 15, Blight section, #2 - Underline "additional"
  • p. 15, Tracking Damage sidebar - Replace image of "city which has taken 1 Damage" with one where the single-building is facing sideways rather than down. (The City sculpts don't actually balance as depicted.)
  • p. 16, The Dahan, first paragraph, first sentence - Replace "native human inhabitants" with "native, semi-nomadic human inhabitants".
  • p. 18, end of "Damage, Destruction, and Removal" section - Change the last sentence to "However, any remaning Damage on survivors heals at the end of the turn". (Less awkward sentence structure)
  • p. 21, Fighting the Invaders - Append 4th bullet point: "Focus most on land types about to Build or Ravage, as those are the most imminent threats."
  • p. 21, Fighting The Invaders, first bullet-point (Destroy or Move Explorers...) - Append sentence "This is extremely effective!"
  • p. 21, Miscellaneous - Drop last bullet point ("Major Powers require a lot of Energy to play...")
  • p. 28, after the Difficulty Chart - Append additional paragraph: "Each point of Difficulty is a noticeable step up. When increasing Difficulty, we recommend going up by 1 at a time, or perhaps 2 if you're having crushing victories (the Blight card never flips)."
  • p. 28, after the Difficulty Chart, "Please note" paragraph - Append additional sentence: "Add the Difficulty of a Scenario and Adversary together for a very rough estimate of combined Difficulty."
  • Index - Make boldfacing 2-3x darker. If dictionary indentation is possible, that would also help. (Eg:
  • Back cover, Living FAQ reference - Add an attention-getting symbol (reddish exclamation point?). Replace text with "For specific card clarifications and answers to any other questions, visit the Living FAQ at"


  • A Spread of Rampant Green, special rules: Replace "If the land is Healthy" with "If the island is Healthy". Replace "If the land is Blighted" with "If the island is Blighted".
  • A Spread of Rampant Green, Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares: remove the ":" from the end of each Special Rule Title.
  • Thunderspeaker, special rules: Replace "(After losing Presence to Blight.)" with "(After losing Presence to Blight, if relevant.)" Leave it italicized. Replace "killed" with "destroyed".
  • A Spread of Rampant Green, Unique Power Card Stem the Flow of Fresh Water: Replace "1 [Town] or 1 [City]" with "1 [Town]/[City]".
  • Shadows Flicker Like Flame, Unique Power: Crops Wither and Fade Increase the spacing between the "2 Fear" and the "or" options, to make it clear you always get the 2 Fear. (Compare to Sacrosanct Wilderness (Keeper unique).) Also reduce the spacing around the curly "or".